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John Kasich Launches 2020 Backup-Campaign

Ohio Governor John Kasich has never really gotten over losing the primary to Donald Trump in 2016. He has been meandering in the political wilderness since the election, term-limited in his current...

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Kasich: I Might Run Against Trump in 2020 to “Send a Message”

Ohio Gov. John Kasich didn’t come too close to the GOP nomination in 2016, though he was one of the last candidates standing along with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz before eventually bowing out to Donald Trump....

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Do Republican Voters Want to Primary Donald Trump in 2020?

According to a very recent Des Moines Register poll, Republican voters in Iowa are split – 40% in favor, and 41% opposed – on the question of whether Donald Trump should face a primary challenge in...

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Will the Ohio Truism Continue to be True?

You’ve probably heard that no Republican candidate has become president without winning the Ohio primary. Well, it ain’t exactly so, as Time Magazine points out. In 1968, Richard Nixon won the White...

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Video: Trump and Clinton Speak After Primary Wins

We’re still waiting on some of the Democratic results, and the GOP results in Missouri, but it’s safe to say that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will be the winners tonight. Clinton was able to pull...

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NY Times: Rubio’s Exit Leaves Trump a Path to 1,237 Delegates

Now that we’re a couple days past the fallout of Tuesday’s primary votes, where do we stand in terms of the delegate race on the Republican side? We’ll get the Democratic race a little later. According...

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CNN Republican Town Hall from Wisconsin (Video Added)

Just when it seems like the Republican primary couldn’t get any more interesting, we’re now to the point where Ted Cruz is challenging Donald Trump to a one-on-one debate in Wisconsin ahead of the...

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RNC Convention to be a ‘Showdown,’ But No Guns Allowed

With the fights at rallies, Donald Trump’s campaign manager charged with battery, a girl getting groped and pepper sprayed, you’d think all the excitement is in the audience in the political campaign,...

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Real Fighting in Wisconsin is Between Cruz and Kasich

Ted Cruz wants to be seen as the only Washington Insider left in the race by asking the Establishment to embrace him. This move comes despite spending his career as the Anti-Republican Republican in...

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Wisconsin: Turning Point or Trojan Horse?

After the Wisconsin primary, Ted Cruz claims that his win there is a “turning point” in the campaign. But, of course, Donald Trump disagrees. And both candidates continue to want John Kasich out of the...

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Ten (or More?) Possible Outcomes of the Republican Convention

Tom Bevan, co-founder of Real Clear Politics (RCP), was on Fox last Friday. This week, RCP ran an article about the interview, with the headline, “Five Most Likely Outcomes For GOP Convention.” The odd...

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In 2016, Hillary Can (Almost) Beat Anybody

The thing about polls is that they are just a snapshot—a gauge of what’s happenin’ now. Remember when Jeb Bush was expected to win easily—then Walker—then Carson? That’s just to point out that what...

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Cruz, Kasich Collude; Trump Looks Ahead

Donald Trump can still win the nomination before the convention. But if he doesn’t, as with everything else he does, he won’t act like any other “loser.” He won’t run as an independent. And he won’t...

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Video: Trump Sweeps 5 States, Clinton Takes 4, Sanders Wins 1

It was a big night for Donald Trump who swept all five contests today, most of them by margins of at least 60% of the vote. Hillary Clinton will come away winning 4 of the 5 contests on the Democratic...

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Kasich Big Loser (not Trump) with Cruz Deal on Indiana

The polls and betting odds give Donald Trump the edge in Indiana next week, despite Sunday’s announcement that Kasich would forsake the Hoosier State. According to Real Clear Politics’ reading of...

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Kasich Thinks Gays ‘Born That Way’—What Else Does He Think?

We haven’t talked much about John Kasich on these pages. Sorry if you’re a fan, but even at this late date, he has only won one state, and has fewer delegates than Marco Rubio. He did make a little...

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John Kasich to Suspend Campaign Today

Shortly after Donald Trump’s victory in Indiana last night, John Kasich had vowed to continue on until a candidate earns the needed 1,237 delegates to become the nominee. Well, in the span of less than...

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No Sign Trump-Kasich Feud Will Cool Soon

One of the most watched subplots of this year’s Republican National Convention is the feud between Donald Trump and Ohio Governor John Kasich. And that’s odd. Trump was relatively nice to Kasich. His...

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Will John Kasich Primary President Trump in 2020?

We touched on this topic briefly yesterday in a post about how to tell which politicians may be planning a presidential run in the future. The list consists almost exclusively of Democrats, with one...

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Kasich-Hickenlooper to Form Bipartisan Presidential Bid?

There have been rumors that Republican Governor John Kasich, of Ohio, has considered challenging President Trump in a primary for the 2020 Republican nomination. While that remains very unlikely as it...

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